SUAT was formed by two firefighters that started their career together in the fire service in a small town, volly dept. in Jersey, back in 2002. Since then, they have each grown as firefighters, and have had many new aspirations. Although their careers went two separate directions, one became Department Chief of his very aggressive/street smart company of well-educated, salty dogs, and one became a career Captain firefighter in South Florida. Either way, they both have grown from the bottom of the ranks, up to become senior guys, company officers, and training instructors. SUAT has grown from a firehouse saying, to a well-known slogan in many firehouses across the country. No matter where you are a firefighter, the same problem exists...there are firefighters that would rather hang out, sit back, put their feet up, and enjoy the perks of the job. Well, their mother doesn't work here! Shut Up And Train was created to get these guys out of the recliners, and onto the training grounds! No matter where you are training, it is still betting yourselves, your company, your department, and most of all YOUR COMMUNITY! No one is here to hold your hand, and watch you pick daisies! Training can be gruesome and laborious, or it could be fun and invigorating, all while helping you learn a thing or two. Making yourselves better starts with one person! YOU! Now get out there, and make it happen. Get off your ass, and get to work! YOU are responsible for yourself, AND your crew! DONT LET THEM DOWN!
My name is Robert Woodhead and I am one of the founders of SUAT. I've been in the fire service for almost 20 years and have a long line of family in the fire service, from my Grandfather, Father & now my Brother. I am currently a volunteer with the Union Beach Fire Company No.1 and have moved up the ranks from Firefighter to Department Chief, receiving several awards along the way.

I started SUAT to get out there to meet other firefighters who know the challenges that we face in the fire service. Whether you're paid, volunteer, a member from the past, present or a future firefighter, all of us in this community believe in pride, tradition and honor. This is a value that we should pass to along to everyone we meet.
SUAT was not created for financial gain, like some other sites. It was created for a community of firefighters by firefighters. We set forth to see the challenges that we face and share the knowledge we all have to overcome, adapt and achieve our goals in the fire service.
The name is Ron Givens, and I'm a career firefighter in South West Florida. Ft Myers to be exact. I'm a fifth generation firefighter, with documented fire service bloodline back to 1919 in East Hanover, NJ. I'm currently Captain for South Trail Fire & Rescue in which I've been with for 13 years, a Florida Instructor II, and hold an Associates degree in Fire Science.

I was also a part time Captain/Paramedic for a combination department on one of Southwest Florida's barrier islands. I was previously active in my department's Explorer program for several years. I helped my department make strides on revising our Probationary Firefighter Curriculum. I assist the Lee County Fire Chiefs' Association (Fl.) as a Live Fire Instructor during cooperative, countywide, mutual aid training at our local fire academy. I am a proud member of the Gulf Coast FOOLS and IAFF Local 1826. I began my career as a volunteer firefighter in the Bayshore Region in New Jersey.
I have learned a lot from my predecessors, which I intend to teach to the Junior Jakes that are following in my footsteps. I have always had a few mentors in my life that have helped me along the way. Some are not here anymore, but they will always have a special place in my heart and will not be forgotten. I live by the mottos "It is better to ask for forgiveness, than ask for permission", and "When a man becomes a fireman his greatest act of bravery has been accomplished. What he does after that is all in the line of work." I believe in the fact that nobody in the fire service is going to hold my hand and if I want to better myself or my crew, I need to get out and do it myself. Get up, get out there, and GO GET IT.